1. Allergies can range from mild hay fever to life-threatening anaphylaxis. 
  2. Systemic anaphylaxis is a serious condition, resulting from inflammation caused by histamine release, that impacts the respiratory and circulatory systems. The systemic inflammation results in low blood pressure and blockage of air passages due to swelling of the throat and tongue. Death may occur quickly if not treated with epinephrine.
  3. The ‘amine’ ergot alkaloid differs from ‘amino acid’ ergot alkaloid in that it has high oral bioavailability. 
  4. Codergocrine is the ergot compound which is primarily used for dementia.
  5. Ergometrine - the ergot alkaloid that is well absorbed orally, has weak vascular but prominent uterine stimulant action.
  6. Dihydroergotamine (DHE) differs from ergotamine in the way that it is a more potent α-adrenergic blocker and less potent vasoconstrictor. 
  7. Clozapine causes blockade of both dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A/2C receptors.
  8. Methysergide has lost popularity as a prophylactic drug for migraine because of its potential to cause visceral fibrosis.
  9. Cisapride is a selective 5-HT4 agonist.
  10. Use of ergot alkaloids is restricted to severe or resistant cases of migraine.